Howdy kiddy-winks. Yer old pal Scrubbie here...
I dont know the date. It was such a long time ago. But - sometime between when dinosaurs roamed the earth and present day, Scrub was living with Mamma Scrub and Pappa Scrub when he was but a Scrubling.
See... back in them days, we here in the Great White would light the tallow candles and sit 'round gawking at each other, huddling together to keep warm 10 months of the year. Then... one day... Pappa Scrub brought home this magic box. This glorious magic box.
"What is that!?" Scrub and his baby bro squealed.
"Why... children... this is a Video Cassette Player" Pappa says.
"What does it do Pappa?" the children queried.
"Watch this..." Pappa says.
And... there before us... wonderful moving pictures! We were gobsmacked. Absoultely, positively gobsmacked.
And, I recall the very first flick that went into that magic box. OHHHH - I remember.
I remember laughing my widdle bum off. I mean SERIOUSLY laughing.
And - I can tell you... that first flick in the magic box spawned a lifetime passion.
Now... I can just imagine all you x-Chromosones out there rolling your eyes right about now. And, all you Y-chromes are giggling quietly to yourselves. I know, I know... for the most part, it does seem that Python tends to appeal to those with wibbly-wobblies. I did say "for the most part" - I know there are a few gals out there who get a good chuckle out of it as well. I don't know any though.
So - Scrub is sittin here. Right now. And what is playing before him on the tube? YES! Life of Brian. In full glorious technicolor and rich booming sound. To his left - sits the Kid and punk pal Bobby.
The Wife and the Lunatic Dog - nope... not interested.
So - at 11:09pm on a Friday nite... Pappa Scrub... should you be readin this... just wanna say... Thanks. Life of Scrubbie wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for that glorious day when you brought home that magic box. It's been 40 years of laughter. Pure stupidity... but stupidity inspiring laughter.